British firm, Tullow Oil Plc, says it will conduct extensive appraisal
drilling and testing throughout year 2014 and 2015.
The objective of the extensive appraisal drilling and testing is to
finalize a commercial production development report.
This report is what the government of Kenya wants. Nairobi wants to start
selling oil as early as 2016 or 2017 and Tullow Plc must provide a
comprehensive development report.
Speaking in Nairobi, Robin Sutherland, Tullow Oil Plc exploration manager
for Sub Saharan Africa said the company is expected to submit a field
development plan to the government of Kenya in the fourth quarter of 2015.
“We are expecting to submit our field development plans to the government
in the fourth quarter of 2015,” Robin Sutherland told an oil and gas conference
in Nairobi.
The appraisal drilling and testing will quantify the commercial viability
thresholds; enable both the government and the investors to make projections.